More and more California wineries are committing to being Certified Sustainable. To obtain their certification, wineries are requiring that the growers supplying them with wine grapes have the CCSW (Certified California Sustainable Winegrowing) Certification.
So, if you want to sell wine grapes to a Certified Sustainable winery — or to a winery that may decide to become Certified Sustainable in the future — it’s in your best interests to obtain this certification.
The requirements are comprehensive and involve extensive documentation. For example, you must complete an annual self-assessment of 140 vineyard best practices and meet 58 vineyard prerequisite practices. You also must measure and record multiple performance metrics.
While holding the certification is a way to show that you produce high quality grapes, that you are protecting the environment, and that you are a good neighbor and employer, it also takes a tremendous amount of effort.
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We gather your reports and data, and we go through all the paperwork on your behalf … allowing you to keep doing what you do best.
We have systems already in place to make the process as painless as possible for our grower partners.
Our food safety program guides you on standard operating procedures and gives you online forms with all of the information needed to comply with a 3rd party audit.