GLOBALG.A.P. is a “trademark and set of standards for Good Agricultural Practices” for food safety and sustainability. According to GlobalGAP.org, the vision driving this certification is “a world in which farms are recognized for their efforts to continuously produce enough safe food while safeguarding our environment and the welfare of farming communities.”
Growers who are GLOBALG.A.P. certified add value to their product, reduce their reputation risks, and gain access to new local and global markets. Often, they also improve the efficiency of their farm processes and management.
Increasingly, markets are demanding this certification. However, becoming GLOBALG.A.P. certified can be a challenge for smaller producers due to lack of resources, technical expertise, and funds.

Under the GLOBALG.A.P. Option 2 Group Certification (our specialty), both small and large producers can join together to obtain a shared certification. Groups are required to implement a shared Quality Management System (QMS) to ensure and document consistency of practices and compliance with requirements.
Guardian Harvest, Inc. assists growers with the compliance documentation required for this certification through our mobile-friendly online Food Safety Documentation and Compliance QMS Management System.
We also provide internal auditors as well as coordinate and facilitate the required third-party audits during harvest. We do this on the grower’s behalf so that they can continue doing what they’re best at.
Our food safety program guides you on standard operating procedures and gives you online forms with all of the information needed to comply with a 3rd party audit.